Green Deal in VR

About the project

The Green Deal in VR: A Virtual Reality Approach to the European Sustainability Values and Goals of 2050 through Collaborative Learning in Upper-Secondary Education. The project is taking place during 2023-2026

About the project

About the project


The Green Deal in VR is a collaborative project involving three European high schools and a technical partner. Its goals are to raise awareness of the Green Deal among students and teachers, promote international collaboration between partner schools, enhance digital skills for all participants, and develop a scenario-based VR learning environment focused on the Green Deal. The project aims to inspire students with hope for the future while providing them with the tools to envision and address sustainability challenges.


The planned activities include mobilities and workshops for both students and teachers, focusing on three key areas of the Green Deal: Energy Policy, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Building. Prior to each mobility week, several online meetings are held to introduce participants to the topic, explore relevant locations, and learn from keynote speakers who provide insights into the key aspects of each subject.

During the mobility week, participants work on the creation process of the VR learning environments.

Additionally, we share best practices and offer actionable examples, such as action cards, to help educators integrate our learning environments into their classrooms. To support deeper exploration of each core subject, our educators are also compiling an anthology of sources, offering a comprehensive reference for further study.


The project results encompass a VR learning environment, a digital library, and the application of newly acquired skills during and beyond the project. An anthology of national and international sources is made available through the project website. The initiative includes five mobility sessions and a final live event.

To ensure widespread impact, the outcomes of each mobility are shared through workshops held at participating schools. We are also eager to extend this knowledge to the municipal level and beyond, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Explore our learning environments below, and feel free to use the action cards to enhance your lesson planning!



Our partners

Our partners

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